Choosing is a peculiar thing, in that it eats into your time without you being aware of it.  When you are spoilt for choice, it becomes even more difficult and if you are not too certain about what you want, it can be frustrating at times. When I first wanted to buy a car, two years ago, the biggest issue that I faced was the choice between different vehicles, their comparisons, concern about the availability of spare parts, servicing regularly and many other trivialities. They started bothering me and messed up my peace of mind, so much that I dropped the idea of buying the car itself.

A couple of months ago, I have discovered Quikr through one of the many social networks that I use, and the first thing I searched after logging into it was about second hand cars. I wanted to buy a second hand one this time since I have just started learning how to drive and I would hate it if my brand new car hits or gets hit by anyone else’s. So, second hand one seemed to be a prudent one, but I’m not the kind who goes around the town visiting garages looking for vehicles. I’m too lazy for that, and that’s even further reason of the extended time periods I spent on the website.

I was always awkward with conversations, whether they are on call or direct. My job also required me to interact with a lot of people, both in India and Overseas, which also included deciphering different accents in which people talk, and the surest aid I had those days were the messengers that we had at our workplaces. With chatting, I didn’t have to face any of the above issues, and could communicate candidly, to get the work done in a timely and efficient manner. So, you could imagine my surprise and joy when I saw Quikr NXT, which allowed me to write to the seller and ask for the specifications and his experiences with the vehicle.

I zeroed in on about 4 cars till date and wrote to different sellers, each of them have been totally forthcoming and elaborate in their responses. They were also willing and happy enough to share the pictures of the car through the app, even as I was chatting with them.  As I read through what they have written about their vehicles, I felt that we could say a lot about people by the way they talk about their vehicles and the things they love to do. I appreciated the value they attached to their car, and also wanted to apply some of the best practices they were kind enough to suggest.

I hope I can win the battle of the spoilt choices as soon as I can, and with a lot of excitement I look forward to driving my first car.


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Get a better Car with Quikr NXT! Campaign hosted by Indiblogger