I’m not really a morning person, having had to work mostly in U.S and U.K clients in their day times. So, it is usually past the breakfast time when I wake up every day, so the thought of breakfast doesn’t really occur to me on most days. Even on weekends, I choose two more hours of sleep over breakfast, so that I wake up with all the sleep I wanted to enjoy the two days of the weekend. All this changed when the Guptas bought the flat next to mine.

On the first day of their arrival, they invited me over for breakfast, but somehow I skipped it and slept through the morning. As the summer started to show its fury all over Hyderabad, I started to open my windows at night while sleeping. One morning as I was blissfully dreaming about something insignificant, the smell of the corn flakes flew sweetly over my nose. It brought me the memories of my childhood when I first ate Kellogg’s Corn Flakes for breakfast. It was a welcome change at that time from the Idlis and we used to have daily at home. I thought it was all a part of the dream, but when the delicious aroma persisted for more than a while, I woke up to find that it was real and coming from the Guptaji’s house. 

I shook myself off the stupor and walked towards their home, whiffing the delightful taste of walnuts. I thought for a while before knocking the door, wondering how they would feel, or worse still consider me an intruder, but one look at Guptaji’s face as he opened the door alleviated all such fears. He was welcoming and quite hospitable and put me at ease instantly. He admonished me mockingly for not coming over for breakfast, as I sat comfortably in their hall. 

As we were going on with the small talk, a pristine porcelain bowl was put in front of me, which had corn flakes, custard apple and walnuts served with generous amount of milk. I licked my lips involuntarily, in anticipation, my hunger pangs coming alive, and Guptaji took the clue immediately and motioned me to help myself. He could have been even screaming “Attack” in his mind, for that was what his gesture felt to me, and I wasted no time.

The whole thing tasted so yummy, that had it been my home I would have licked the bowl clean. As if she was sensing my immense delight in devouring the breakfast, Mrs. Gupta brought me another bowl full of the same, but added some more walnuts in it. I looked at her, through full mouth, letting out a sheepish grin and gestured to her that I’m full. She told me that I can take it to my home and eat it after a while, but reminded me to return the bowl. 

The next day, I woke up early, so that I can return the bowl to her, and joined Guptaji in his morning jog, and in between words I slipped in somehow that I’m going to the hotel at the end of the road for breakfast. As expected, he invited me over and I lost in thoughts of the dark chocolate and vanilla essence that I smelt from their kitchen earlier in the morning. 


Watch the Kellogg's Wale Guptaji ka Nashta ad here :